Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Conformists

Let me begin by saying that this is going to be a rant, my true thoughts, and it might make you angry. I will not point fingers, but I'll just use everyone as a whole society, no harsh feelings.

For the past few days.. I have been watching myspacers. I've looked at profiles, heard the way they talk, and read the words they've typed. One of my pet peeves is someone who contacts me like this: "Oh ma gawd, Ay luv yer profile sowng. It's aamzing!" I don't even answer these anymore... From what I've looked upon... Is straight conformity. Everyone wants to be a masterpiece who shines beyond anything you've ever seen."I'm Bob, and know what, you won't understand who I am until you get to know me. I'm special" By doing that you're trying to be like the rest of the humans out there and find your place in this world. That's fine, everyone needs to find their place... But lay off how special and different you are. If you really think you are different what makes you different? Prove it. Do you do anything different? Listen to different music, what separates you from the crowd? I do know a few people who have found out who they truly are and have looked past the comfort zone of humanity. Those people are honorable, and I salute them. Are you just another sixteen year old who listens to rap and takes cute funny pictures with your "friends" (Just so people can comment a picture of your face that's the same pose, same hair, same person?) There are an awful lot of those going around. If you are, I don't care. Just quit acting like you're something special, because it's annoying. Am I critical of people? Yes. It's the same people everyday that make the world boring. Those are the people who conform to the mass media of their country. 

Am I special? It doesn't matter, I know I'm not following the crowd.


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